(I've made all of these)
1) Thinking we understand after the first week. 🤔
The situation is always more complex.
These people are smart. If it were easy, they would have solved it already. At best, you'll have a smell after one month and a semi-decent sense after 3 three. That doesn't mean you should do nothing at all.
Stay curious about what others know.
2) Making suggestions before building trust. 🤨
Nobody likes being told what to do, less so by the newbie.
Be careful of leading questions. These can come across as suggestions. Try to understand WHY things are the way they are. This context will reveal more than you expect. Use your newbie status to ask.
Remember the humility and curiosity, as noted earlier.
3) Starting new initiatives. ✨
I get it; you want to demonstrate your value.
If you want to be involved earlier, attach yourselves to existing initiatives and help move them forward.
Earn trust by helping others be successful first.
🎯 Which of these have you made?
What did you learn while starting your current role?